More about The Folkey Birth Club
Who are you?
Betty and Lucy. Two doulas, living and working in Folkestone.
Can anyone join?
If you live locally(ish!) to Folkestone and are pregnant OR have relevant experience/ skills to share with those that are. Then yes!
All are welcome.
We also have a WhatsApp group full of local birthers, past and present, that you’d be very welcome to join.
Why/how is everything free?
We’ve seen the benefits of returning pregnancy and birth care to the community and want to see more. Lay support is our jam as doulas but we know we’re just two people.
Its power is multiplied by being in community.
Sharing the load with you helps us in our working lives in lots of ways;
There’s the power of community ready there to help our doula clients if they want to access it.
It’s a way to support those that have any barriers to accessing our individual doula care, a juicy proposition when you want to change the world for everybody.
Sometimes we meet people that want to work with us through this work.
Sometimes we get to know and trust other professionals that will prove to be invaluable in just the moment they’re needed by a client or community member.
We believe in it. Community helps us all. Well supported pregnancies and births have better outcomes and lead to healthier and happier parents, healthier and happier babies, healthier and happier people, healthier and happier communities. Everyone wins. We plan to seek funding to enable us to continue and maybe expand our mission but community is not a product and we don’t intend to market it. We believe in what we are doing. The aim of our work is not primarily financial gain, it is the improved health of our whole community. Including us.
What is the FBC philosophy?
You are the expert in you.
We are all, essentially, mammals. Once wild, and still very much led by instinct. We may well have modernised our lifestyles, but an innate knowledge is still within us. We believe strongly that people’s instincts deserve to be listened to and that with enough support and opportunity those instincts show up loud and clear, ready to lead us in the right direction.
Birth belongs to the person doing it, and anyone/everyone else involved is there by invitation and should behave as such.
Absolutely everything is your choice. There is nothing you have to do.
How do I come along?
Our meet ups are completely open and free to anyone who is pregnant. (Partners/additional family can join Birth Circle and Walk + Social)
You don’t have to be planning a particular birth, have a particular philosophy or want to get a particular thing out of it. It is just an opportunity to meet others in the community and benefit from peer support and wisdom,
For the meet ups, we always appreciate knowing who to expect on the day, so if you could send a DM or email then that would be great.
Walk + Social
Sometimes the third, sometimes the fourth Sunday of the month at 10am. We sit with a drink for about an hour and chat, then head out for about about an hours walk. We take it as slowly or briskly as needed.
Where exactly is it?
We sometimes meet at Lift Cafe and walk through the coastal park, or sometimes at Harbour Coffee and then a beach walk. To find out where we’re meeting check Instagram, or send a message.
what will we talk about?
Chat is absolutely open to anything. This doesn’t have to be a “birthy club”. This can be a place to talk about all the other things that define you, apart from your bump. But if you do want to ask anything about your pregnancy or birth, it might be nice to share with other people who get it.
How long is the walk?
There won’t be a set distance or time. But it’s likely to be an extremely leisurely stroll along the sand, or along the board walk. We may even make it to the coastal park. But we will always match the needs of the group, so if it needs to be a slower and shorter walk with more regular sit-downs, then that’s what it will be.
The Birth Circle
We meet on the second Tuesday evening of the month at 7.30pm. I know, it sounds past bedtime, but honestly we all get a second wind once we get stuck in!
Where exactly is it?
We (Betty and Lucy) take it in turns to host at home. Please get in touch via email or WhatsApp to find out which one of us is hosting and where to come. We both live fairly centrally in Folkestone,
Is this A homebirth group?
We include those planning all births. From freebirth to OU.
It is no secret that we are both are passionate about people birthing safely and joyfully in their own homes, and so we will are likely to include a particular focus on this.
Pregnancy Nourishment
Fourth Friday’s til 12pm til 2pm
Where exactly is it?
We (Betty and Lucy) take it in turns to host at home. Please get in touch via email or WhatsApp to find out which one of us is hosting and where to come. We both live fairly centrally in Folkestone,
What happens?
Consider this a village antenatal. A unique circle where we celebrate you and your pregnancy. We invite you to explore and share how you are feeling and what you are experiencing within a space is safely held for you by those that have walked this path before you.
Each person will have an opportunity to speak to the group about any fears, challenges or barriers you are facing. And to express hopes, intentions and visions.
We will also share a lunch together, offering nourishment for the body as well as spirit.
What shall I bring?
We ask that you bring something for sharing. If you feel willing and able to bring a nourishing (preferably plant based) dish then excellent, although contributions to the space are also welcome.
People have previously brought crocheted ‘fiddle’ squares, aromatherapy oils, hand creams, all of which have added something to our overall experience and provided each person with their sense of belonging.